
Bcc Entry


Our History

In the summer of "86" a new church was birthed in Belleville. The Belleville Christian Center was established without fanfare and without a ground breaking ceremony, or even a building. We began where our focus has remained, on the streets of downtown Belleville. We met on park benches by the Court House. We worshiped with a guitar and preached to whoever showed. Later we met house to house until we found a small store front just off Public Square. We served coffee, donuts, and hot soup to Belleville's unchurched, the "street people." We saw steady growth and eventually needed to move. An old Victorian house in the Franklin Neighborhood became our new home.

Second Street Revival

We held services almost nightly in three spacious rooms with large pocket doors between them. Serving hot meals weekdays, we provided clothing and shelter to those in need. People kept coming by the droves. Often we were packed like sardines for services. The power of the Holy Spirit visited us continually as we witnessed healings, deliverances and 100's of salvations. An old bear paw tub became our baptistery. Scores were baptized there in the winter months. In summer, our monthly picnics always included BBQ., baseball and mass baptisms in a large stock through.

We endured much persecutions and trials, yet with persistence, we gained favor with our community. Our guiding principle has always been, "Whatsoever You Do To The Least Of These...

bcc 2nd street finnish
2nd street dinner

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